The Home Office Makeover

Turn your “make do” work-from-home space into a home office that’s ergonomically sound, primed for productivity, and delightfully YOU.

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Avoid strain and discomfort and create a workspace where you'll be energised and wildly productive.

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    Phumla Motsa

    Occupational Therapist

    Hi, I'm Phumla!

    I’m an occupational therapist with a special interest in ergonomics in the workplace. As hybrid and remote work has become more prevalent, I’ve become particularly passionate about helping people to set up home workspaces that will help them to prevent injury and discomfort, but also support their needs more holistically.

    In the Home Office Makeover, you’ll get many of the tips and strategies that I share with my one-on-one clients during an individual Workplace Assessment Session. But the Home Office Makeover is completely free and is designed to give you the knowledge and inspiration you need to finally set up the home office that you need — and deserve!

    What you'll learn:

    • A step-by-step rundown of an optimal ergonomic workspace setup.
    • Ideas for using everyday items as ergonomic equipment (I am all about budget-friendly ergonomics!).
    • Prompts for personalising your workspace, so that you can be more productive and feel inspired.
    • Tips for setting up and using a standing workstation to aid productivity and reduce body strain.
    • Inspiration to finally set up your ideal home office!